Someday Update.

9:12 AM

Hey guys !
I want to start this off by apologizing for the lack of posts 
these past couple of days. I have been crazy busy lately, anywho on with the post.
So as of this week I have become the new 
Marketing Intern for nOia designs !
I have been totally excited and i could not wait to share the news BUT first I wanted my internship to be official !dont want to jinx it Lol
Anywho, the company is called nOia by Evelyne.
I will be doing a separate blog post about her and the collection to let you guys know a little bit more about her and what she does and what I will be doing with her.

Today I accompanied her to Univision to the show Despierta San Diego
(a spanish news channel)
We had to wake up at 4:30 to be there at 5:30 which was super early !
the show was from 6-7 am and it was live too so that was cool.
Overall it was a pretty great experience [:

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  1. wow, such as great experience, nice day you had! :P


    1. yeah it actually was(:
      hopefully i get to go again !hehe
