advice blog

How Kpop has changed me

8:29 PM
Hi, So recently as of this past summer I have found myself listen to nothing but KPOP songs. To be honest it was never something that I had really paid much attention to but the more songs I listen to and the more I learn about the artists the more I like it. There are many negative connotations when you think of Kpop...



Graduation Season

6:54 PM
There are several things that have been on my mind as we enter graduation month. For one thing it makes me a little jealous that there are people who are about to be done with their college education and I am still going to school. not a bad jealous but more of a dam its awesome that they are almost done I can’t...




9:34 PM
So another year of my life has gone and a new one begins. This week I turned 24 and gosh I don't even know where time has gone, yeah I'm not that old but it feels like time is just flying by. This past year has been well not the best but not the worst either, its been ehh to be honest.  But...



Starting all over

12:18 AM
Hi guys, I find it funny how many times I have started over and over this blog well more like tried but gave up.I find that yes I love to write  but I also have been lacking the motivation that I needed to get up and do what I love.  I fell into this downward spiral that has honestly lasted about 2 years....



Thursdays are for DIYs

9:35 AM
hello there, I feel like it has been a while already since I last posted something ! But ive been a little busy with school these past couple days, so I apologize.  Anyhow, for today's DIY I thought what better than a drink you can make for tomorrow since its gonna be friday might as well enjoy a Blood Orange Sangria right ?...



Thursdays are for DIYs

10:32 AM
Hello there lovely people, so ive been in the processes of trying new things on my hair so I can tempt to keep it as healthy as I possibly can. The problem is I use way to much heat sometimes but thats another story.. anyways one of the things that I am trying are store bought products but also homemade (DIY) things. Here...



the skort

11:12 AM
welcome back ! New Year and a new view on life is what I have I apologize for just dropping from the face of the earth  but I needed a little break from things and well I am back refreshed  I have a couple post planned and outfit post as well this year is going to be the best. have a lovely day...