Blogger Award.

8:44 PM

Hello there lovely readers !

Just wanted to start off with saying that I hope you all had  an amazing spring break with your family and friends !
even though im super late with it aha
ive been having a pretty busy couple of week since school started
uncluding school things, internship things, and other things 
BUT one thing that pretty much made my day was getting nominated for the Versatile blogger award by the lovely Tuyaymya from whiteteeblackdress 

This is my first nomination so i`m sure you can imagine how excited i was when i saw it, 
I felt really grateful for it.
I can honestly say that starting my blog has given me the opportunity to meet so many amazing girls and be able to interact with people from all over that its pretty awesome. I'm glad i took a step and decided to do this.

There are a few rules that need to be followed after accepting this award 
  1. Thank the blogger who gave the award by linking their blog on you page 
  2. Share seven things about yourself that people may not know 
  3. Give this award to up to 15 bloggers and link their blog
  4. Comment on their blogs to tell them of the award 
So here go  7 facts about me LEGOOOOO-

  1.  I am told that I am very high maintenance by different people, whatever that might mean lol 
  2. with that being said I always tend to be taken care of by other people like the "little girl"of the group.. even if I am older than them.
  3. One of my dreams is to to sing and perform, have my own huge concert.
  4. When I get sick (which isnt often) I pretty much get everything that you can imagine all at the same time and when I say everything I do mean EVERYTHING. coughing. sneezing. headache. stomach pain. loosing my voice. etc etc 
  5. I can be very sarcastic, like all the time actually not on purpose though
  6. I am easily distracted, I have the shortest attention spam in the world no lie

The Bloggers I nominate are - 
Sara from Sara's Sweet Style
Tanya from La Bella Tanchi
Julnequwa from Inside The Life of a Goddess
Bianca from The Inbetween Girls

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