
Haul Time

8:11 PM
Well for today's post I thought I would do a little tiny mini haul okay I probably bought way more things than I really needed but I could not help myself plus I bought these pieces since January till now so its okay riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight ? no more buying though, its time to save save save since I will be going on a mini "vacation"soon well...



Love is in the air

3:25 PM
Hello there ! so as you all know tomorrow is going to be that special day of the year in which we make time to show the people we love how much we really care about them whether its family, friends or a significant other meaning  we tend to dress up a little bit more than usual as well. As promised, here are...



Inspiration can be found so unexpectedly

4:17 PM
   Hello lovelies, this past couple of days i have been so busy that i feel like i haven't been able to just sit back and catch my breath yet ! In this post I thought i would talk a little about inspiration. after seeing this video which I feel I should have watched a long time ago I remembered why I love fashion so much....